Entertainment News



Singaporean singer Huang Yi Da faces money woes
Posted: 20 August 2009 1727 hrs

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Huang Yi Da



SINGAPORE : Singaporean singer-songwriter Huang Yi Da isreportedly in financial woes after being owed one million Taiwandollars in royalties by his management company, Eastern World Music,local media reported.

According to Taiwan’s Next Magazine, there have been contractdisputes between Huang and the company, and his singing career has beenstalled as a result of the money owed to him.

However, Eastern World Music has downplayed the allegations, sayingthe matter arose because of a misunderstanding, and things are not thatserious.

While a company spokesperson, known only as Alan, has admitted toowing Huang a sum of money, he said both parties are still negotiatingthe exact amount.

Alan revealed that the company is under going a majorreorganisation with the departure of the Taiwan manager, and that theyare in the process of calculating the details. He added more time isrequired to work out the sum as song royalties and compositions areinvolved.

Dubbed the 'male version of Stephanie Sun' by the Taiwanese mediabecause of his thin frame and the resemblance to the Singaporeansongbird, Huang's current contract stipulates that he has two morealbums to release.

According to Alan, prior to Huang's singing debut five years ago,the 30-year-old had sought Eastern World Music for help with hiscareer. Apparently Huang had no means of attending music classes andwas allowed to attend for free.

After graduating from the Lee Wei Song School of Music, Huang signed acontract with Eastern World Music that would last ten years. Presently,the company is only responsible for Huang’s work in Malaysia while hisinvolvement locally and overseas is handled by Sony Music.

After his fourth and latest album, "Dedicated to Myself", wasreleased at the end of last year, things have gone quiet and the singeris reported to be presently in China.

- CNA/nc

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