2004/5/11No question, he's a man
No question, he's a man
MOST pop stars are used to hearing the adoring screams of crowds of girls. But when YiDA Huang (Yida) did his morning exercises, the "wows" and whistles all came from other guys.
Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. The 24-year-old new talent from Sony Music shared a teacher with Stefanie Sun (Yanzi). He also shares Sun's smile, which has earned him the nickname "the male Yanzi".
Once he opens his mouth, though, there is no question that Huang is man. He is only 172cm tall and weighs just 50 kilograms, but his strong and powerful voice can cross the boundaries of rock' n' roll, classical and pop music.
His first album, "Hard to Define" (Wufa Dingyi), which was released last month, is a positive sign of things to come from this Singapore native.
But if a boyfriend of his sister hadn't given him a guitar on his 15th birthday, his talent might never have been realized.
"I was so confused about my future because everyone thought going to university was the only way I would achieve a good life," he said. "But that day, I suddenly realized music should be my destiny. Then I set off on that path."
As he started music so late, Huang had to work hard to catch up with his peers, particularly in playing the piano. The introverted and uncompromising boy spent a whole year alone teaching himself how to use the instrument. He spent hours listening to records and practised playing the tunes until he could play them back.
One year later, he returned to class and astonished all the pupils and teachers with his skills. His talent was discovered by an entertainment company. He hasn't looked back.
He composed most of the songs on his new album, including the two hits "Blue Sky" and "Love Under the Microscope".
The first tells of what Huang saw on a Taiwan beach when he felt homesick. "Love Under the Microscope" is much more complicated, describing the bittersweet feelings of a boy who misses a girl. Its skillful arrangements and emotional changes took three months to produce.
從2004~2013成立至今 !
官方認可的黃義達YiDA's Fans後援會-- 【義達*溫馨寶貝的家】
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可請洽 寶貝家facebbook或 E-MAIL專用信箱:rockyida@yahoo.com.tw
★ 2013 黃義達簽約索尼音樂SONY MUSIC!回到老東家。
★2013/6/13發行新專輯《heart disk》
2013/5/22(三)09:00~12:00 Hit Fm 首播 黃義達-我不哭
2013/5/22-25 全球首播-義達新專輯首波雙主打《我不哭》、《My heart disk》
2013/6/3-5「我不哭」MV -FOX娛樂台首播。
2013/6/4(二)來台為新專輯《Heart Disk》進行一連串宣傳活動
2013/6/6 (四)11:00~12:00hitfm活力DJ阿娟專訪黃義達(Live)
2013/6/10-14 hitfm明星網路日記
2013/6/13(四) 14:00台北The Wall house【黃義達 Yida Huang 全球新歌發表會暨首賣會】
2013/6/13 (四)18:00三立都會台30頻道-完全娛樂大來賓-黃義達(Live)
2013/6/13(四)晚上22:00~23:00 I like radio(中廣)娛樂E世代-吳建恆專訪黃義達(Live)
2013/6/18(二)16:00~18:00 iradio代班DJ(播出)
2013/6/20(四)00:00~01:00POP RADIO917包廂-哲緯專訪黃義達(播出)
2013/6/20(四)00:00~01:00 I like radio(中廣)midnight u& me豆子專訪黃義達
2013/6/21(五) 10:00~11:00 環宇廣播電台 -費平快樂說- 專訪黃義達(播出)
2013/6/22(六)15:00 台中新時代廣告簽唱會
2013/6/24(一)~6/26(三) 中午12:00~13:00 環宇廣播電台 -UNI Super Star- 黃義達(播出)
2013/6/25(二) 21:00中天綜合台/23:00中天娛樂台-SS小燕之夜(播出)
2013/6/28(五) 11:00~12:00 hitfm活力 DJ/全球流行音樂金榜 專訪黃義達(播出)
2013/6/28(五)18:00~19:00 三立都會台 完全娛樂(就愛醬玩)(播出)
2013/6/29(六) 21:00~22:00 i radio 音樂聽光光 左光平 專訪黃義達(播出)
2013/7/3(三)23:00~24:00 亞州電台 all star (播出)
2013/7/6(六) 17:00~18:00 Hit FM Hit DJ-黃義達 (播出)
2013/7/7 (日)20:00~21:00i radio STAR DJ(播出)
- May 11 Tue 2004 12:06
040511 No question, he's a man